So what have I achieved in my 18 years of existance in this universe?

I don't really like talking about it, but I was a part of an art collective called Lickeble. We made some cool stuff. One of the things I got to make there was #mashupble - a music festival with exclusively russian SoundClown artists from the VK community #mashup. I didn't participate in the creation of the first one, but I did help to make the second one (i.e. the biggest one) and the New Year special in Saint-Petersburg. On the second one, we managed to gather almost a thousand people on the festival and even made a profit! But the New Year one wasn't so successful. I helped with making merch, finding the place to hold the event and making the ad for it.

Another thing that I made at Lickeble was Snik! A russian culinary show that combined old Filthy Frank vibes, overall insanity and classical russian TV language. If you don't speak russian, don't watch it - you won't get it + there are no subtitles.

My YouTube channel

As you can see - I don't have a logo for it (yet). I haven't uploaded to it for a while, but i plan to fix that in the future. Most of the videos are in russian. They are neither funny nor interesting. Don't watch them. Please.

My VK group

I have a page on VKontakte, where I post photos for my friends and non-existent fans to enjoy. I try to back up every post from there to my blog, translating them to english in the process.